Post Election ​Newsletter

Message from our Resident ​Representative

Dear Friends of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,

Following the "watershed" general elections that took place on ​May 29th, significant shifts and changes have occurred in the ​country. These elections marked South Africa's 7th elections ​since 1994, and resulted in historic changes, including a decline ​in support for the ruling party, the African National Congress. ​Declining voter turnout, the introduction of reforms of the ​electoral systems and the beginning of coalitions on a national ​level are amongst the many things through which the new ​'South Africa' has to navigate.

Enjoy this newsletter to learn more about South Africa’s big ​changes!


Gregor Jaecke

Key Figures


South Africans ​registered to vote

out of 41 million eligiable voters approx ​27,7 registered to vote


of the registered ​voters were under ​the age of 60

More females ​registered to vote

approximately 45% male

Source: IEC

Democracy on the ​ground - partner ​spotlight

Spotlight on the election efforts of our ​institutional partner DDP.

Post- elections Dialogue on the 2024 General ​Elect​ion.

The webinar focused on the achievements and ​challenges of the 6th Parliament and looked ​ahead to the newly elected 7th Parliament.

Post-election Analysis

FW De Klerk Foundation ​Conference on Coalition ​Govern​ment

Daily Maverick -Your​ GNU Cab​inet

#KAS in the media

KAS interview with ​Gregor Jaecke

South Africa elects a new ​parliament (German only)

South Africa’s youth crisis

(German only)

KAS Scholar ​Spotlight

Kira Alberts

Research Associate and KAS-CREDO Scholar

Centre for Research on Democracy

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KAS finds it incredibly valuable to stay in touch with our ​KAS alumni as well as actively promote intercultural ​dialogues and the formation of international networks. ​Our scholars continue to be our global advocates for multi-​party democracy, the rule of law, the social market ​economy as well as the realisation of human rights.

2024 Election ​Highlights

This page spotlights reports and ​analysis as well as further ​information on the 2024 South ​African General Elections, carefully ​selected by the team.

Happy reading.

Let’s stay

in touch!

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